Special Lecture: Soil & Basin Amplification in the Mexico City 1985, 1999, and 2017 Earthquakes
Invited Speaker: Professor George Gazetas, NTUA (National Technical University of Athens)
Topic: “Soil & Basin Amplification in the Mexico City 1985, 1999, and 2017 Earthquakes”
Co-sponsors: New York -Northeast Chapter of EERI and the Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics Committee of ASCE
Host/Location: WSP, 1 Penn Plaza, New York City
Date/Time: Thursday June 14th, 2018; 5:30 – 7:30 pm (networking 5:30-6pm; Lecture 6-7 pm)
Cost: Free to attend (RSVP to nyne@eeri.org by 6/4/18)
PDH: 1, pending (fee for PDH: $0 for EERI/ASCE members, $25 non-members)
Stay Tuned: A flyer with more details will follow